AXIA has since its founding in 1994 established itself as the partner of choice for organisations looking to assemble The Right Profiled C-suite talent.
We tailor the search process to ensure we are able to attract and induct competent & compatible leadership talent for our client organisations.
Step 1 : Client discussion and need assessment
Step 2 : Role specification
Step 3 : Process of talent identification
Step 4 : Candidate assessment – by AXIA and by the client
Step 5 : Candidate selection and compensation design
Step 6 : Facilitation of the joining and induction process
The process of Talent identification is facilitated by the Global database, Advertised Search and Tracking of professionals in the industry.
AXIA has been credited by its clients to have a sharp search process, on the basis of the ratio of no. of candidates identified & referred to the client and the selection made by the client.
AXIA carries out Talent assessment by the process of Competency, Culture and Compensation which has proved to be really successful in not only assessing the expertise level but also the compatibility of the candidate with the client organization. EVA focused selection process enables us to identify the professional who would bring in the max EVA to the client organization.
get it right with our Executive Search.